domingo, 10 de marzo de 2013

Software Engineering Institute

Para mayor información sobre buenas prácticas, aportes de líderes en el desarrollo de Software, tendencias en este ámbito de las tecnologías de información, accede al Blog o a la Página oficial en Internet del SEI Carnegie Mellon University.

SEI Overview

The Carnegie Mellon Software Engineering Institute (SEI) works closely with defense and government organizations, industry, and academia to continually improve software-intensive systems. Our core purpose is to help organizations such as yours to improve their software engineering capabilities and to develop or acquire the right software, defect free, within budget and on time, every time. To accomplish this, the SEI
  • performs research to explore promising solutions to software engineering problems
  • identifies and codifies technological and methodological solutions
  • tests and refines the solutions through pilot programs that help industry and government solve their problems
  • widely disseminates proven solutions through training, licensing, and publication of best practices
Sección: About Us 
Consultado el: 10-Marzo-2013

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